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"Products and opportunity that bring Health and Wealth to your life"

Interested by our products ? So why not trying to sell them as an independent distributor ? 

It is a great opportunity to promote great products, work at home whenever you want and be your own boss ! 


Most people become HTE Distributors by using our products first. Their confidence in our products increases after they begin using the machines. After reviewing the compensation plan, they become interested and officially start up an HTE business


Once you become our distributor, you can place your orders and begin to rip the rewards by accumulation bonus points and commissions paid every month to your nominated bank account or use the commissions to purchase other products.


Also you can do the business with US, Canada, Mexico, Australia and Europe with one distributor ID and can multiply your business. You can take this business as your side line and can earn an extra income and also help others to be healthy at the same time.


And over and above all these things, I would like to tell you that over 22 years we have helped so many people with our products to improve their health and that’s something which encourage us to spread our business through out the world.


If you need further information about it, please do not hesitate to contact me at


French, English and Spanish spoken. 


Please, find below the general conditions of the distributorship agreement (for Europe and Australia). For other countries, contact me for more information. 

"Mes recherches m'ont convaincu qye le manque d'oxygène est la cause de la plupart et peut être même de toute maladie"


-Dr. Inoue

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Me contacter

Alex Franklin

Distributor ID number: A259546


© 199321 by Alex Franklin. Proudly created with

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